Shared Opportunities

Can be shared with one or more accounts


Last Update 9 bulan yang lalu

Inside the opportunity (lead) you will find a share button on the top right corner as shown below:

- To give access to the lead you need to share it using the account owner's email (the one you are trying to share the opportunity with)

- Once you do this you give the other account access to any general info inside the lead including (name, phone number, email, etc...),

as well as communication, notes, and any activity regarding that lead.

- It's important to note that any information entered into the "notes" section will be shared with the lead in real time, similar to a live chat.

However, these parts will not be shared with the partner account:

  • Tasks
  • Files
  • E-sign
  • Additional contacts
  • Tags 
  • Drip Campaigns
  • Origin Campaigns
  • Opportunity Managers
  • Custom Fields 

You Cannot have an exact copy of the same opportunity in another account due to:

  • Different phone numbers in each account 

  • Different users in each account

  • Different custom fields in each account

  • Different statuses and pipelines in each account

Shared accounts communicate from their phones and emails, not from the partner’s.

Deleting and Retention:

- If the account that originated and shared the opportunity stops sharing: the connection is deleted, but each account keeps the opportunity.

- If the account that originated and shared the opportunity deletes the opportunity: the connection is deleted, and the shared account keeps the copy of the opportunity.

- If an account with which the opportunity was shared, deletes his opportunity 

 copy: the connection is deleted and the original account keeps the opportunity.

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